OCTOBER 2, 2008



7:00 P.M.  Called meeting to order.  Present:  Paula B. Keefe, Ellen Abelson,

                  Richard Gorden and Mark Mazur



  1. The Board took the following actions on fiscal 2009 applications for exemption for the  owners of the following parcels:


PIN 120-15                 Clause 41C                  Granted

PIN 70-128                 Clause 41C                  Granted

PIN 70-45                   Clause 41C                  Granted

PIN 122-16-451          Clause 41C                  Granted

PIN 72-103                 Clause 41C                  Granted

PIN 59-56                   Clause 41C                  Granted

PIN 91-143                 Clause 41C                  Granted

PIN 92-38                   Clause 41C                  Granted

PIN 91-180                 Clause 17D                  Granted

PIN 122-16-42            Clause 17D                  Granted

PIN 70-65                   Clause 17D                  Granted

PIN 120-15                 Clause 41A                  Granted

PIN 70-45                   Clause 41A                  Granted

PIN 84-62                   Clause 41A                  Granted

PIN 51-1                     Clause 41A                  Granted

PIN 96-4                     Clause 41A                  Granted

PIN 121-48                 Clause 22                     Denial


  1. The Board signed warrants for fiscal year 2009 County Assessments.


  1. The Board decided to hold their next Board meeting at 12:15 P.M. on Friday

October 17, 2008


      7:40 P.M.  Adjourned